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Jackson Davis and the Lost World of Jim Crow Education

William A. Link
Jackson Davis Collection of Educational Photographs, Special Collections, University of Virginia, Summer 2000
Publication year: 2000

The School That Built a Town: Public Education and the Southern Social Landscape, 1880‑1930

William A. Link (ed. Wayne J. Urban)
Essays in Twentieth-Century Southern Education: Exceptionalism and its Limits (New York and London: Garland Publishing, 1999), pp. 19-42
Publication year: 1999

The Jordan Hatcher Case: Politics and ‘A Spirit of Insubordination’ in Antebellum Virginia

William A. Link
Journal of Southern History LXIV ( November 1998 ): 615-648
Publication year: 1998

What Led to the Republican Resurgence?

William A. Link
The Raleigh News and Observer (July 6, 1997): 23A
Publication year: 1997

William Friday and the Speaker Ban Crisis, 1963-1968

William A. Link
North Carolina Historical Review 72 (April 1995): 198-228
Publication year: 1995

The Social Context of Southern Progressivism, 1880‑1930

William A. Link (eds. John Milton Cooper, Jr. and Charles Neu)
The Wilson Era (Arlington Heights, Ill: Harlan Davidson, Inc., 1991)
Publication year: 1991

The Harvest Is Ripe, But the Laborers Are Few: The Hookworm Crusade in North Carolina, 1909‑1915

William A. Link
North Carolina Historical Review 67 (January 1990): 1‑27
Publication year: 1990

Privies, Progressivism, and Public Schools: Health Reform and Education in the Rural South, 1909‑1920

William A. Link
Journal of Southern History 54 (November 1988): 623‑642
Publication year: 1988

Rough Times: Rural Education in Late‑Nineteenth‑Century Virginia

William A. Link
Virginia Cavalcade 37 (Summer 1987): 16‑27, and ibid. (Fall 1987): 8‑25
Publication year: 1987

Making the ‘Inarticulate’ Speak: A Reassessment of Public Education in the Rural South, 1870‑1920

William A. Link
Journal of Thought 18 (Fall 1983): 63‑75
Publication year: 1983